
Louis Tomlinson Supports Teens' Dream

Oliver Hellowell is a 19 year old boy who aspires to be a photographer. Oliver has Down Syndrome but doesn’t let that stop him from achieving his dreams.

Louis Tomlinson, member of One Direction, met Oliver at his recent charity event, the Believe In Magic Cinderella Ball.

After the Ball, the experience was written about on Oliver’s Facebook  Louis Tomlinson Supports Child's Dreams 1

Tomlinson also tweeted about the young man and his upcoming book saying:

@Louis_Tomlinson: Met the amazing Oliver. He has worked so hard to become an amazing photographer. 5 days left to preorder his book!”

I’m glad to see such a high profile celebrity encouraging dreams, especially in disabled youth.

It’s so encouraging to see a young disabled youth put in hard work to achieve their goals and have that hard work seen by millions through social media.

Please show your support as well and preorder Oliver’s book here.


Kary Bruening

Update: 2024-05-29